Thursday, June 7, 2012

Being Lucky : the uncomplicated truth behind success

The speeches given by Steve Jobs or  J K Rowling at university convocations were quite popular on internet. Speech of Neil Gaiman was added to the list because of this post. Though these speeches are very inspiring reads they are accounts of successful people who think success is outcome of their talent and hard-work. Of course success needs both these qualities but what about luck. There was this famous line by Bill Gates "success is 99% work and 1% luck" (There is no evidence of Gates saying this ). If so what about the chaps who work equally hard and as much talented?

This question was answered (and rather honestly) here . For those who watched Moneyball its by the same person, Michael Lewis,who wrote the original book.


Some of you might find Michael Lewis' point of view as very humble or one with false humility. Cause we were taught to believe that only brighter and hard working people achieve success. Though in our country Talent and Hard work aren't only qualities to become successful.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Outdated Dream

Do dreams come with life span ?
certainly they do. We all wanted to be truck/bus driver or Conductor during our childhood but no one achieved it. This is also about a dream , a teenage one. Dream of dusky innocence. One that was too poetic and vintage. I did have it for shortest time may be for a week or so. Then I became wise and decided to follow other things to prove myself a FOOL.

कही एक मासूम नाजुक सी लडकी
बहुत खुबसुरत मगर सांवली सी

मुझे अपने ख्वाबों की बाहों में पाकर
कभी नींद में मुस्कुराती तो होगी
उसी नींद में कसमसा-कसमसाकर
सरहाने से तकिये गिराती तो होगी

वही ख्वाब दिन के मुंडेरों पे आके
उसे मन ही मन में लुभाते तो होंगे
कई साझ सीने की खामोशियों में
मेरी याद से झनझनाते तो होंगे
वो बेसख्ता धीमें धीमें सुरों में
मेरी धुन में कुछ गुनगुनाती तो होगी

चलो खत लिखें जी में आता तो होगा
मगर उंगलियाँ कंपकपाती तो होगी
कलम हाथ से छुट जाता तो होगा
उमंगे कलम फिर उठाती तो होंगी
मेरा नाम अपनी किताबों पे लिखकर
वो दातों में उंगली दबाती तो होगी

जुबाँ से कभी अगर उफ् निकलती तो होगी
बदन धीमे धीमे सुलगता तो होगा
कहीं के कहीं पाँव पडते तो होंगे
जमीं पर दुपट्टा लटकता तो होगा
कभी सुबह को शाम कहती तो होगी
कभी रात को दिन बताती तो होगी.....

sung by Md. Rafi from 'Shankar Hussain' [1977]

Monday, December 20, 2010


Once at our Orkut forum about movies we called a guy 'Oxymoron' because he was suggesting a thread for Romantic movies. Now after watching quite a few romantic comedies in last few weeks I feel sorry for that guy. Its nice to watch those movies and feel dreamy ( one should feel all the emotions there are and not be ashamed of any Emotions).

So here's lyrics of my Favourite song from ' Kate & Leopold'. Keep memorising UNTIL you found someone worth singing it for.

If I caught the world in a bottle
And everything was still beneath the moon
Without your love would it shine for me?
If I was smart as Aristotle
And understood the rings around the moon
What would it all matter if you loved me?

Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Not a solitary thing would I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing's end

If I caught the world in an hourglass
Saddled up the moon so we could ride
Until the stars grew dim, Until...

One day youll meet a stranger
And all the noise is silenced in the room
Youll feel that you're close to some mystery
In the moonlight and everything shatters
You feel as if youve known her all your life
The worlds oldest lesson in history

Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Not a solitary thing do I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancings end

Oh, if I caught the world in an hourglass
Saddled up the moon and we would ride
Until the stars grew dim
Until the time that time stands still, Until...